Saturday, 18 June 2016

Sorting out the Ankle and the Knee

Nick had an appointment with Scherrit, the Bike Whisperer today, to fit a new pair of cycling shoes, and also to ask him what may have gone wrong with his ankles and knees on the End to End ride.
His shoes is what went wrong.  His old shoes are so worn away that they were no longer properly held in place by the cleats.
It is soooo wonderful to have a reason for the problem, and for it be something that we can fix so easily is fantastic!

Friday, 10 June 2016

Preparation for the WOW Cylothon 2017

The biggest problem we've faced for Nick cycling the Wow Cyclothon is rounding up enough people for the support team, and this week, I think we have finally got it sorted out perfectly, adding a lovely young man to the team, who in addition to being able to drive and get on with people, has some bike mechanic skills.
We also have a nurse of the support team, who hopefully won't be required to do anything other than drive!